
ear of grain Learn more about ear of grain

  • What season is it for grain ears?

    What season is it for grain ears?

    Ears of grain are usually available in summer, that is, from June to August. It is the ear of millet, that is, the part of its fruit. What should we do with the ears of grain after harvest? What should be done with the ears of grain after harvest? 1. The harvested ears of grain will be dried in advance in the sun, which is generally sunny.

    2020-11-09 Ear of grain what is it season of ear of grain generally is in summer.
  • How to control sorghum ear grain borer?

    How to control sorghum ear grain borer?

    How to control sorghum ear grain borer? Please introduce the method of sorghum spike grain borer which mainly harms sorghum spikelets and grains. The harm of loose panicle type was less than that of tight panicle type. Adults lay eggs in the ear, and after hatching, the larvae feed on the grains in the process of grain filling, resulting in a large number of grain losses. The weather of high temperature and humidity is very harmful.

  • What happened to the abnormal grain filling of corn?

    What happened to the abnormal grain filling of corn?

    What happened to the abnormal grain filling of corn?

  • Do a good job in the management of flowering and fruiting stage of grape in greenhouse

    Do a good job in the management of flowering and fruiting stage of grape in greenhouse

    Do a good job in the management of flowering and fruiting stage of grape in greenhouse

  • Dwarf king corn seed

    Dwarf king corn seed

    The seeds of dwarf maize include Chengyu 888, Jindan 63, Aidan 268, Tongyu 99 and so on. Among them, Chengyu 888 maize seed plant height 240cm, ear height 100cm. Jindan 63 maize seed height 240cm, ear height 100cm. The seed height of maize Aidan 268 is 205cm, and the ear position is 76cm. General education

    2020-11-09 Dwarf King Corn King Corn seed
  • Seven delicious and sweet grapes suitable for planting in 2020!

    Seven delicious and sweet grapes suitable for planting in 2020!

    Grape is a very famous fruit in the world, which can not only be eaten raw, but also be used as raisins, wine and other food. Next, let's take an inventory of the seven delicious and juicy grapes suitable for planting in 2020! Beauty refers to

    2020-11-08 2020 suitable planted Seven delicious Juice Sweet High quality
  • What's going on with the latest abnormal corn filling?

    What's going on with the latest abnormal corn filling?

    As one of the most important food crops in China, corn is planted in most areas of our country. When planting corn, it is inevitable to encounter a lot of problems, among which the most common is that ear baldness and grain deficiency can lead to abnormal grain filling.

    2020-11-10 The latest corn grouting abnormal what's going on as our country
  • Why wheat has ears and no grains

    Why wheat has ears and no grains

    Why wheat has ears and no grains

  • Wanmai 52

    Wanmai 52

    Characteristics: semi-winter, middle and late ripening, and the mature stage was 1-2 days later than that of Yumai 49 and Xinmai 18. The seedlings are semi-creeping, the leaves are slender, upward thrust, the tillering ability is medium, and the panicle rate is high. The plant height is about 85 cm, the plant type is compact, and the flag leaf width is short and upthrust. The ear layer is thick, the ear spindle type, the ear is uniform, the ear head is small, long awn, white shell, white grain, grain semi-horny, good gloss, good plumpness, medium black embryo rate and good commercial quality. The average number of ears per mu is 400000 ears, the number of grains per ear is 36.3grains, and the weight of 1000 grains is 40.9g.

  • What are the varieties of high-yield and early-maturing corn?

    What are the varieties of high-yield and early-maturing corn?

    Corn farmers all know that corn is divided into early-maturing corn, medium-maturing corn and late-maturing corn. Generally speaking, early-maturing varieties mature 25 to 34 days after pollination, mid-maturing varieties mature 35 to 40 days after pollination, and late-maturing varieties maturing after 40 days. In order to get a lot

    2020-11-27 High yield early maturity corn varieties which planting
  • How to prevent banana ear from planting corn in summer

    How to prevent banana ear from planting corn in summer

    How to prevent banana ears from planting corn in summer? The "banana ear" of summer corn belongs to a kind of abnormal ear, which is characterized by high plant growth, slender stem, poor development of main ear, no grain or very few grains, and even 3 or 5 small ones grow in one or two leaf axils in the middle of some plants.

  • What if the latest corn ear is not satisfied with its tip?

    What if the latest corn ear is not satisfied with its tip?

    The unsatisfied tip of corn ear is also called ear bald tip, which refers to the phenomenon that the top of corn ear is not firm and the grain is not full. It will seriously affect the yield of corn, seriously harm the yield of corn, and affect the economic income of farmers. So, for corn ears, they are not satisfied with the tip.

    2020-11-10 The latest corn ear dissatisfaction sharp what to do
  • How to manage the red earth grape flowers and fruits?

    How to manage the red earth grape flowers and fruits?

    How to manage the red earth grape flowers and fruits? Red Earth grape flower and fruit stage can be managed like this: first, the role through flower and fruit management, control the size of grape ear. By removing the accessory ear and pinching the ear tip, it can save nutrients, reduce the fruit thinning workload, increase the fruit setting rate, increase the fruit, and improve the fruit quality. Pass.

  • What are the varieties of corn seeds? How is the yield performance of each variety?

    What are the varieties of corn seeds? How is the yield performance of each variety?

    Corn is not only one of the four major food crops in the world, but also an important source of breeding feed, so the demand of corn in the market is very high. Nowadays, many farmers will choose to plant corn in autumn, but they must choose a suitable place before planting.

    2020-11-27 Corn seed variety which each yield performance
  • Huaimai 22

    Huaimai 22

    Characteristics: semi-winter, mid-late ripening, maturity one day later than the control Yumai 49. The seedlings are creeping, the leaves are small and dark green, the tillering ability is strong, and the panicle rate is medium. The plant height is about 85 cm, the plant type is slightly loose, the flag leaf is narrow and short, overthrust, waxy, elegant appearance, irregular ear layer, dense ear code, good fruiting. Ear spindle ear, long awn, white shell, white grain, grain half-horny, medium plumpness, low black embryo rate, good appearance. The average number of ears per mu is 403000 ears, the number of grains per spike is 33.0grains, and the weight of 1000 grains.

  • Shimai 15

    Shimai 15

    Characteristics: semi-winter, middle maturity, mature stage is about 1 day later than the control stone 4185. The seedlings are creeping, strong in growth, strong in tillering ability and high in panicle rate. The plant height is about 78 cm, the plant type is compact, the culm is thin, the flag leaf is small and upward, the leaf is curly, the lower node of the ear is short, and the ear layer is neat. Spike spindle type, spikelet small, spikelet arranged densely, short awn, white shell, white grain, grain full, half-horny. The average number of ears per mu is 435000 ears, the number of grains per ear is 35.6grains, and the weight of 1000 grains is 38.4g. The lodging resistance is mediocre. Mature and yellowing is better.

  • Seed Characteristics of Borui 9 Maize

    Seed Characteristics of Borui 9 Maize

    Compact plant type, plant height of about 265 cm, ear position of about 100 cm, adult plant about 21 leaves. The ear length is about 25.8 cm, the ear rows are 18-20 rows, the ear axis is red, the grain is yellow, the grain type is horse tooth type, the 100-grain weight is about 45.0 g, and the seed rate is 83.0%.

    2020-11-09 Borui maize seed characteristics plant type compact plant height 265
  • Introduction of Bo Ruijiu Maize Seeds

    Introduction of Bo Ruijiu Maize Seeds

    The plant type is compact, the height is about 265 cm, the ear position is about 100 cm, the adult plant is about 21 leaves, the ear tube type, the ear length is about 25.8 cm, the ear row is about 18-20 rows, the ear axis is red, the grain is yellow, the horse tooth type grain, the 100-grain weight is about 45 grams, the seed yield is 83.0%, the grain bulk density is 780 g / L, thick.

    2020-11-09 Borey Nine Corn seed introduction Plant Type Compact High about
  • How to manage the popcorn period?

    How to manage the popcorn period?

    How to manage the popcorn period? Please introduce the flowering and kernel stage refers to the period from tasseling to maturity of corn. This stage of vegetative growth basically ends, from the panicle stage of vegetative growth and reproductive growth go hand in hand, into flowering and pollen, fertilization and fruiting as the center of reproductive growth period, is the formation of yield, determine the number of grains per panicle and grain weight.

  • Flower and Fruit Management techniques for Seedling cultivation of tetraploid Jufeng Grape

    Flower and Fruit Management techniques for Seedling cultivation of tetraploid Jufeng Grape

    Tetraploid Jufeng grape seeded cultivation flower and fruit management techniques 1 general situation of Jufeng grape Jufeng grape is a tetraploid of American grape Ishihara (large grain Cambel, diploid Cambel) used by Japanese breeders Okui in 1937.
